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About Us

The Dream and the Reality

The career of a law enforcement officer is more than a career, it is a lifestyle, you have probably heard that or even said it yourself in a job interview. It is unique and attractive that way, but also brings stress with it. The stressors in the law enforcement lifestyle are multifaceted like a diamond, with each side tapering and meeting at a common point, the very sharp tip that each individual officer finds themselves. 


Our goal is to soften that point, through humor, compassion, and conversation.


Grinds at the bottom is a great description of the unranked officer. They spend their days and nights GRINDING at the bottom of the hierarchy. Doing the work, while maintaining all other pressures from up top, from home, from shift partners, the public, and sometimes more. The "breaks" are often spent blowing off steam discussing the most obvious fixes to the problems whose solutions the officer has no control or influence on, often brilliant ideas might I add!


Empathy is the understanding and ability to share another person's situation. If you have completed required training, and lived just one day in a uniform, or almost a complete career, you can empathize with other officers. Through our podcast we hope to build a peer community, an instant connection between officers nationwide,  relieve the pressures of the worklife to enhance the homelife, and visa-versa!


So take a coffee break with us on our podcast, while we speak with fellow officers about their grind, until we reach the Grinds at the Bottom of our pot.


​​Interested in being a guest on our podcast? fill out an interest card HERE






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